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Purchase Publications

Here are publications that apply to the GSA SmartPay® Purchase business line.

For those interested in hard copies of select publications, GSA’s Customer Marketing Library Service (CMLS) provides printing and shipping at no cost to agency customers.

Title Description Audience CMLS Publication Number
Helpful Hints for Purchase Account Use [PDF, 14 pages] Card-sized brochure provides dos and don’ts for purchase card/account holders. Card/account holders 05-21-00960
Managing Your GSA SmartPay® Purchase Program [PDF, 52 pages] A government-wide guidebook for managers of the GSA SmartPay Purchase program. A/OPCs 05-20-00209
Pre-Approval/Approval Request Template [DOCX, 1 page] Purchase card/account holders can use this sample, non-mandatory template to send pre-approval or approval requests to their approving official for supplies/services that need to be purchased using a government purchase card/account. Card/account holders N/A
Pre-Approval Response Template [DOCX, 1 page] Approving Officials can use this sample, non-mandatory template to send notice of pre-approval or denial of requests made by purchase card/account holders. Approving Officials N/A
Approval Response Template [DOCX, 1 page] Approving Officials can use this sample, non-mandatory template to send notice of approval or denial of requests made by purchase card/account holders. Approving Officials N/A
Blanket Approval Authority Template [DOCX, 1 page] Approving Officials can use this sample, non-mandatory template to send notice to purchase card/account holders that they have been given standing approval to purchase certain supplies or services (if agency policy deems allowable). Approving Officials N/A
Approving Official Approvals Tracking Log [XLSX, 10 KB] Approving Officials can use this sample, non-mandatory spreadsheet template to track pre-approval and/or approval requests. Approving Officials N/A

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